SWESARR Tutorial#


Objectives: This is a 30-minute tutorial where we will ...
  1. Introduce SWESARR
  2. Briefly introduce active and passive microwave remote sensing
  3. Learn how to access, filter, and visualize SWESARR data

Quick References#

  1. SWESARR SAR Data Pre-release FTP Server
  2. SWESARR Radiometer Data, SnowEx20, v1
  3. NSIDC Datasets
  4. SWESARR Blogspot
  5. A Version of This Repo That Doesn't Require Access to Amazon Servers

What is SWESARR?#

  • Description from Batuhan Osmanoglu.
  • Airborne sensor system measuring active and passive microwave measurements
  • Colocated measurements are taken simultaneously using an ultra-wideband antenna

SWESARR gives us insights on the different ways active and passive signals are influenced by snow over large areas.

Active and Passive? Microwave Remote Sensing?#

Passive Systems#

  • All materials can naturally emit electromagnetic waves

  • What is the cause?

  • Material above zero Kelvin will display some vibration or movement of particles

  • These moving, charged particles will induce electromagnetic waves

  • If we’re careful, we can measure these waves with a radio wave measuring tool, or “radiometer”

  • Radiometers see emissions from many sources, but they’re usually very weak

  • It’s important to design a radiometer that (1) minimizes side lobes and (2) allows for averaging over the main beam

  • For this reason, radiometers often have low spatial resolution

✏️ Radiometers allow us to study earth materials through incoherent averaging of naturally emitted signals

Active Systems#

  • While radiometers generally measure natural electromagnetic waves, radars measure man-made electromagnetic waves

  • Transmit your own wave, and listen for the returns

  • The return of this signal is dependent on the surface and volume characteristics of the material it contacts

✏️ Synthetic aperture radar allows for high spatial resolution through processing of coherent signals

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SWESARR Sensors#

SWESARR Frequencies, Polarization, and Bandwidth Specification

Center-Frequency (GHz)



Bandwidth (MHz)






VH and VV










VH and VV





VH and VV











SWESARR Coverage#

  • Below: radiometer coverage for all passes made between February 10 to February 12, 2020

  • SWESARR flights cover many snowpit locations over the Grand Mesa area as shown by the dots in blue

Reading SWESARR Data#

Accessing Data: SAR

SAR Data Example#

# Import several libraries. 
# comments to the right could be useful for local installation on Windows.

from shapely import speedups      # https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
#speedups.disable()                # <-- handle a potential error in cartopy

import requests                   # !conda install -c anaconda requests 

# raster manipulation libraries
import rasterio                   # https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
from osgeo import gdal            # https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
import cartopy.crs as ccrs        # https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
import rioxarray as rxr           # !conda install -c conda-forge rioxarray
import xarray as xr               # !conda install -c conda-forge xarray dask netCDF4 bottleneck

# SnowEx Pit Data!
from snowexsql.api import LayerMeasurements # pip install snowexsql

# plotting tools
from matplotlib import pyplot     # !conda install matplotlib
import datashader as ds           # https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
import hvplot.xarray              # !conda install hvplot
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv

# append the subfolders of the current working directory to pythons path
import os, sys, glob

swesarr_subdirs = ["data", "util"]
tmp = [sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/" + sd) for sd in swesarr_subdirs]
del tmp # suppress Jupyter notebook output, delete variable

# lambda functions!
to_nl = lambda a: 10**(a/10)
to_db = lambda a: 10*np.log10(a)

# settings to make matplotlib look nicer!
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 4.5) # (w, h)

# Suppress Warnings for Cleaner Output      #
# (Address Warnings in future update)       #
import warnings                             #
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')           #

from helper import get_out_dir, gdal_corners, join_files, join_sar_radiom, filt_pit_to_sar, filt_radiom_points, sar_swe_plot, radiom_swe_plot, rough_radiom_area

Select your data#

# select files to download

# SWESARR data website
source_repo = 'https://glihtdata.gsfc.nasa.gov/files/radar/SWESARR/prerelease/'

# Example flight line
flight_line = 'GRMCT2_31801_20007_016_200211_225_XX_01/'

# SAR files within this folder
data_files = [

# store the location of the SAR tiles as they're located on the SWESARR data server
remote_tiles = [source_repo + flight_line + d for d in data_files]

# create, locate, or move file output directory based on operating system
output_dir = get_out_dir()

# store individual TIF files locally on our computer / server
output_paths = [output_dir + d for d in data_files]
output directory prepared!

Download SAR data and place into data folder#

##    for each file selected, store the data locally 
##    only run this block if you want to store data on the current 
##    server/hard drive this notebook is located.

# Search data directory for all tifs
cur_tifs = glob.glob(output_dir + '*.tif', recursive=True)

if not cur_tifs:
    for remote_tile, output_path in zip(remote_tiles, output_paths):
        # download data
        r = requests.get(remote_tile)
        # Store data (~= 65 MB/file)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:

Merge SAR datasets into single xarray object#

sar_data = join_files(output_paths)
<xarray.DataArray (band: 6, y: 4289, x: 3959)> Size: 408MB
dask.array<concatenate, shape=(6, 4289, 3959), dtype=float32, chunksize=(1, 1200, 1200), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * x            (x) float64 32kB 7.396e+05 7.396e+05 ... 7.475e+05 7.475e+05
  * y            (y) float64 34kB 4.329e+06 4.329e+06 ... 4.32e+06 4.32e+06
    spatial_ref  int64 8B 0
  * band         (band) <U4 96B '09VV' '09VH' '13VV' '13VH' '17VV' '17VH'
    AREA_OR_POINT:  Area
    _FillValue:     nan
    scale_factor:   1.0
    add_offset:     0.0

Get SnowEx Snow Pit Data#

snow_pits = LayerMeasurements.from_filter(type="density",
                                   site_name="Grand Mesa",

1.) Find SnowPits within SWESARR swath
2.) Obtain mean SWESARR backscatter in a square about each snowpit

square_length = 3 # [meters]
[point_swe_filt, swesarr_mean] = filt_pit_to_sar(snow_pits, sar_data, square_length)

Plot data with hvplot#

# Set clim directly:
crs = ccrs.UTM(zone='12') #12n
transparent_tile = hv.Tiles('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Reference/World_Reference_Overlay/MapServer/tile/{Z}/{Y}/{X}', name="EsriReference").opts(alpha=0.0)
frame_width  = 500
frame_height = 500

# create an image for SAR data!
sar_img = sar_data.hvplot.image(x='x',y='y',groupby='band',cmap=cmap,clim=clim,rasterize=True,
                       frame_height=frame_height, frame_width=frame_width,
                       xformatter='%.1f',yformatter='%.1f', crs=crs, tiles=tiles, alpha=0.8)

# create an image for snow pit data!
pit_img = point_swe_filt.hvplot.points('lon', 'lat',  geo=True, color='swe', alpha=0.8,
                        tiles=transparent_tile, frame_height=frame_height, frame_width=frame_width, crs=crs, hover_cols=['site_id'],

# overlay both images!
total_img = sar_img * pit_img  # <- overlay images

# display the plot!

Optional: Plot snowpit SWE against averaged SWESARR data#

sar_swe_fig = sar_swe_plot(point_swe_filt, swesarr_mean)

🎉 Congratulations! You now know how to download and display a SWESARR SAR dataset !

Radiometer Data Example#

import pandas as pd      # !conda install pandas
import numpy as np       # !conda install numpy
import xarray as xr      # !conda install -c anaconda xarray 

import hvplot            # !conda install hvplot
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv   # !conda install -c conda-forge holoviews 
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade
#from geopy.distance import distance     #!conda install -c conda-forge geopy 

Downloading SWESARR Radiometer Data with wget#

  • If you are running this on the SnowEx Hackweek server, wget should be configured.

  • If you are using this tutorial on your local machine, you’ll need wget.

    • Linux Users

      • You should be fine. This is likely baked into your operating systems. Congratulations! You chose correctly.

    • Apple Users

      • The author of this textbox has never used a Mac. There are many command-line suggestions online. sudo brew install wget, sudo port install wget, etc. Try searching online!

    • Windows Users

Be sure to be diligent before installing anything to your computer.

Regardless, fill in your NASA Earthdata Login credentials and follow along!

# !wget --user=USERNAME_HERE --password=PASSWORD_HERE --quiet https://n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org/SNOWEX/SNEX20_SWESARR_TB.001/2020.02.12/SNEX20_SWESARR_TB_GRMCT2_13801_20007_000_200211_XKKa225H_v01.csv -O {output_dir}SNEX20_SWESARR_TB_GRMCT2_13801_20007_000_200211_XKuKa225H_v03.csv
# !wget --quiet https://n5eil01u.ecs.nsidc.org/SNOWEX/SNEX20_SWESARR_TB.001/2020.02.12/SNEX20_SWESARR_TB_GRMCT2_13801_20007_000_200211_XKuKa225H_v03.csv -O {output_dir}SNEX20_SWESARR_TB_GRMCT2_13801_20007_000_200211_XKKa225H_v01.csv

Select an example radiometer data file#

# use the file we downloaded with wget above
excel_path = f'{output_dir}SNEX20_SWESARR_TB_GRMCT2_13801_20007_000_200211_XKuKa225H_v03.csv'

# read data
radiom = pd.read_csv(excel_path)

Lets examine the radiometer data files content#

# radiom.hvplot.table(width=1100) # sortable table in jupyterlab
UTC Longitude (deg) Latitude (deg) Elevation (m) TB X (K) TB K (K) TB Ka (K) Antenna Longitude (deg) Antenna Latitude (deg) Antenna Altitude (m) Antenna Yaw (deg) Antenna Pitch (deg) Antenna Look Angle (deg)
0 20200211-18:33:53.048360 -108.227372 39.071994 2971 247.1 241.2 231.2 -108.052329 38.940324 4525.7 2.02 3.53 44.9
1 20200211-18:33:53.148380 -108.227372 39.071901 2979 246.3 238.2 229.3 -108.052331 38.940326 4525.7 2.04 3.53 44.9
2 20200211-18:33:53.248380 -108.227372 39.071809 2979 247.8 237.5 227.4 -108.052334 38.940329 4525.7 2.06 3.53 44.9
3 20200211-18:33:53.348380 -108.227279 39.071716 2991 247.2 237.5 225.4 -108.052336 38.940331 4525.7 2.05 3.53 44.9
4 20200211-18:33:53.448380 -108.227279 39.071716 2991 245.7 237.4 222.6 -108.052339 38.940333 4525.6 2.05 3.53 44.9

Plot radiometer data with hvplot#

# create several series from pandas dataframe
lon_ser = pd.Series( radiom['Longitude (deg)'].to_list() * (3) )
lat_ser = pd.Series( radiom['Latitude (deg)'].to_list()  * (3) )

tb_ser = pd.Series(
    radiom['TB X (K)'].to_list() + 
    radiom['TB K (K)'].to_list() + 
    radiom['TB Ka (K)'].to_list(), name="Tb"

# get series length, create IDs for plotting
sl = len(radiom['TB X (K)'])
id_ser = pd.Series(
    ['X-band']*sl + ['K-band']*sl + ['Ka-band']*sl, name="ID"

frame = {'Longitude (deg)' : lon_ser, 'Latitude (deg)' : lat_ser,
         'TB' : tb_ser, 'ID' : id_ser}
radiom_p = pd.DataFrame(frame)

del sl, lon_ser, lat_ser, tb_ser, id_ser, frame

radiom_p.hvplot.points('Longitude (deg)', 'Latitude (deg)', groupby='ID', geo=True, color='TB', alpha=1,
                        tiles='EsriImagery', height=frame_height, width=frame_width, clim=clim_r)